Welcome to St. Valiance Academy. Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, this prestigious academy is house to the wealthy upperclass and the occassional hard-working scholarship student.
But if you think the upper-class are well-behaved, you've got another thing coming.
After all, the more money you have, the more trouble you can get into.
1. We are the staff. Listen to us, because we love thee. 2. Thou shalt not use derogatory terms or give out personal information. 3. Remember to keep active thy accounts, because there will be activity checks. 4. Honor thy fellow members. 5. Thou shalt not kill, maim, or impregnate another character without permission from that member and the staff. 6. Thou shalt not make roleplay posts under 200 words. 7. Thou shalt not plagiarize. 8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. 9. Thou shalt not roleplay until accepted, and only one character is allowed per account. 10. Thou shalt not break the laws of nature, grammar, or society.
[psst! elphaba731 of CAUTION v2.0 made this page! steal and die, my dears. steal and die.]