Welcome to St. Valiance Academy. Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, this prestigious academy is house to the wealthy upperclass and the occassional hard-working scholarship student.
But if you think the upper-class are well-behaved, you've got another thing coming.
After all, the more money you have, the more trouble you can get into.
With him died the dream of a world where all could coexist peacefully. The X-Men have disbanded, and public sentiment against mutants has never been higher. People globally are persecuted based on nothing more than their genetic makeup. And then there’s Genosha. An island paradise, run by mutants and for mutants, where prejudice is nonexistent. To humans, it’s a convenient dumping place for the world’s filth. To mutants, it is hope.
And to the few people who can see beyond its sparkling waters and immaculate streets, it’s a setup.